
All Courses

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Home Health Aide Course

Are you looking for an opportunity where you can make a difference in people’s lives? Become a Florida Home Health Aide quickly with a HHA 40 hour certificate when you successfully complete this online HHA course. The HHA Certificate classes do no…

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6-Hour Med Tech Certification

When Florida residents can no longer manage their own medications in an Assisted Living Facility (ALFs) and/or Home Health setting, they rely on Med Techs to assist them. The Med Tech certification course provides students with six (6) hours of train…

STI Instructor

24 CEU Credits Package

This package meets the requirements for Florida Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) minimum of 12 hours of in-service training each calendar year. After successful completion of all individual courses within this package, you will obtain 24 CEU credits …

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Alzheimer’s Disease CEU Course

CE Broker Course#20-420721: This course gives healthcare providers the guidelines on ADRD’s and distinguishes between Alzheimer’s disease and dementia or dementia related disorders. It gives strategies on how to manage difficult behaviors …

STI Instructor

Death and Dying CEU Course

CE Broker Course#20-404054: This course discusses the stages of dying and identifies factors that influence attitudes about death. The class identifies common signs of approaching death and discusses how to care for a dying person as well as i…

STI Instructor

Domestic Violence CEU Course

CE Broker Course#20-404075: The purpose of this course is to teach methods to recognize, escape and prevent domestic violence. Topics discussed include the types of abuse, helping and referring victims and perpetrators, as well as reporting re…

STI Instructor

Medical Errors CEU Course

CE Broker Course#20-404073: This course will provide health care providers with an overview of information on patient safety. The focus of this course is systems failures as a cause for medical error, rather than individual blame. Systems impr…

STI Instructor

Tuberculosis CEU Course

CE Broker Course#20-404069: At this end of this course, the healthcare provider will be able to define tuberculosis and list common symptoms. The healthcare provider will explain the difference between TB infection and TB disease and explain h…

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